The world of escorts has been always a fascinating topic to talk about, and it continues to be interesting for a wide range of people with different age, nationality or
These days we live such hectic, stressful lives it’s hard to find time to rest & relax. It really isn’t doing us any good. Especially high-powered executives, and generally men
Now that you’ve scheduled an appointment with your provider, there are some basic tips and etiquette you need to keep in mind before, during, and after your appointment. It’s important
This post is very dear to me, because it involves a very special person. Although, I know him very little, yet I feel he is already a very significant person
Recently, I have posted an article about the misconceptions surrounding escorts and the industry generally. Now I would like to take a look at the other side of the coin.
Researchers have released what’s being called the first national report on the sex industry in Canada—and some of its findings may surprise you. The working paper, whose lead author is
During my search for valuable and quality escort blogs I came across the following text, which was written by Amanda Brooks, a former escort, who became an author. She has
I was called the other day for a job which involved humiliation and role game in public. This was the first time that I did such a thing in front
Today I wanted to write a post on my own, but when I opened my mailbox I found the following message in it. This feedback has been posted on “Captain69”
This post is a bit different from the others, because this writing contains not my own words and story. Yes, you might call it self marketing, but I enjoyed reading