The world of escorts has been always a fascinating topic to talk about, and it continues to be interesting for a wide range of people with different age, nationality or background. There is no better proof for that fact, than the research work of Jon Millward.
Millward has already written an article about the topic:
Dirty Words: A Probing Analysis of 5000 Call Girl Reviews. – See more at:
This article reflected on the industry from the punter’s point of view, and mainly involved the analysis of key words used by punters while searching for paid sexual experience. Having succeeding on that project, he decided to carry out a survey involving over a thousand working girls. He carefully put together a list of relevant questions, and emailed it to a large number of actively working escorts. Based on the acquired responses, and the exchange of emails and chat communication with sex workers he wrote an article on the sex industry from the women’s point of view.
His lengthy article is worth to read completely as he elaborates on the topic quite well. Millward points out to interesting facts, such as how women advertise their services using words, does not always match with what men are really look for.
I am going to quote only a short part on my blog, but please visit the source if you are interested in reading the entire article.
“Indeed, several of the women who responded to the survey were old enough to be my mother, but there was also a small handful who could be my little sister — the youngest was 20, a student, and had only been in the business for 3 months. This was the first sign of many that amongst the escort population there is huge variation to be found, not just in age, but also in every aspect of their lives, life stories and opinions.
My job as a writer is to find an interesting thread and tease is out. Uncover the ‘story’ and focus a light on it so that readers know what they’re looking at and maybe even what they should think. Admittedly some of the survey’s questions were included on the off chance that they’d produce such a juicy morsel for readers to chew on. For instance, the question of how old the respondent was when she lost her virginity. The average could go either way. If it came out as shockingly young, then perhaps women who are sexualised early in life are more likely to become call girls. If it was surprisingly old, maybe women who start their sex lives later feel more inclined to be sexually adventurous.
The actual average from the survey results? 16.5 years old—just 6 months under the national average for women. A negligible difference. That became the running theme when I continued to sort through the responses. Where I expected to find controversy, there was none (29 of the 30 women entered into the job by choice), and where I anticipated a mundane answer I got shocked practically into silence (just wait until you see the list of ‘most bizarre sex acts requested’).”
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